10 Soldiers sent home for Christmas 2015

PARKER: Coming Home to Fargo, ND

The very first soldier suggested to us for the opportunity to receive a trip home for Christmas was SPC Parker. 

Parker had served his country with pride but the pay for an enlisted soldier just did not allow for Parker to go home. No family help was available and he longed to see parents and siblings. 

Christmas 2015 was very special for the Parker family. Their soldier son was home for the first time in 4 years.

BENNETT: Christmas surprise

Bennett had not seen her family for more than two years and was recommended as one of our 2015 recipients.  We arranged for her trip to Florida, which provided a rejuvenating time with her family during Christmas.

In January 2016, we travelled to Alaska to visit with our son. While there, he introduced me to Lt. Col. Thogmartin and Maj. Hall,     the Chaplains who work with Operation H.O.M.E. in selecting the soldiers who will receive the gift. These two great American heroes minister to our soldiers on a daily basis.

We also had the opportunity to personally meet with Bennett who shared the joy she had with her family during the previous holidays.

MILLER: Reunited with her children

Learning the stories of these soldiers was quite moving but none as heart touching as the soldier named Miller. Miller had struggled through harsh divorce and custody battle. While training to serve our country, this soldier had to fight for the custody of their children. Miller was relieved to have custody of the children but soon realized the job in the military was extremely difficult for a single parent. Miller’s children were transferred to live with the children’s grandparents in North Carolina -4300 miles away from the base in Alaska. The gift from great Americans, who support Operation H.O.M.E. became a gift not only to Miller but also to the soldier’s children.  This mother hugged her children and they loved on their mother for the first time in two years.